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Vaidyan Mon Dec 6, 2010 03:28 AM

Probably, Ayurveda is the only remedy that cures leukemia with out side effects, especially AML, APML, MDS, granulocytic sarcoma and lymphoma. Chemotherapy is not required. While modern man made medicine is capable to provide only remission, survival period mostly short term, with medication/chemo/radiation afflicting bad side effects, and disease relapsing, how is it if the ancient Indian remedy cures leukemia! Ayurveda leukemia treatment works much faster than all other treatments. Blast count comes down to 0% level and bone marrow starts functioning normal. BMT/SCT is much inferior than Vedic healing when the efficacy of treatment and the harsh negative effects that the new age treatments often give to physiology are rationally overviewed. One is giving Punarnava (new life) and the other one is giving miseries and darkness. One is giving complete perfect recovery, the other one temporary remission. One is good, the other poor.

This healing program is based on the oldest tradition of knowledge in human history, the Vedic tradition of India. Maharishis and masters have handed down the Vedic knowledge from generation to generation for thousands of years.

(I am a Vaidya, and writing this with dew diligence. Glad to extend support to newly diagnosed patients, patients in remission and those on wait for BMT. Relapsed diseases, secondaries and GVHD are of course hard to treat. Each patient should be taken care of in person independently. Regular observation is essential. Formulations processing is elaborate.)

S001 Mon Dec 6, 2010 05:11 AM

Are you certain there are no side effects?

Susan L Mon Dec 6, 2010 06:29 AM

Can you give more information regarding this? What type of treatment is it?

Vaidyan Mon Dec 6, 2010 08:53 AM

Thanx for asking questions
Please ask any questions that you want to ask me. I am eager to answer.

Hello Susan L, Ayurveda is a complete science developed in ancient India. Maharishis developed this supreme science through yogavidhya, dhyana and bhahma njana. Ayur means ayus or life, and veda means science: so this is science of life. Please try to have a glance towards abundance of info available in the net.

To answer to S001 regarding concern about side effects, apart from addressing cancer, this healing program resolves other symptomatic and systemic ailment conditions that the patient may be having. This happens because the treatment is efficient enough to reconstruct physiology giving transformation in cellular level. One should compare this level of excellence with modern day situation that bone marrow related malignancy is confusing disease and research is so far failing to give right answers.

Birgitta-A Mon Dec 6, 2010 12:59 PM

Hi S001,
Unfortunately there are no drugs that contains so much heavy metals, pesticides and bacteria as Ayuerveda drugs:
Be careful!

Then we have had members of this forum from India looking for treatment for themself or for parents obviously without finding anything effective in their own country.
kind regards

riccd2001 Mon Dec 6, 2010 01:25 PM

Thanks for the link...
Thanks Brigitta for quickly posting the reliable warning at the HC link...

Neil Cuadra Mon Dec 6, 2010 01:38 PM

The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine provides an Introduction to Ayurvedic Medicine that describes the approach, terminology, and treatment practices and gives cautions such as the lack of rigorous research.

Be sure to discuss all treatments -- conventional, complementary, and alternative -- with your physician.

S001 Mon Dec 6, 2010 02:17 PM

@Birgitta-A - The link isn't working though. Could you re-post the study?

@Neil Cuadra - Definitely. Point noted.

Birgitta-A Mon Dec 6, 2010 03:08 PM

Hi S001,
The link is OK in my pc but here is the info:
"Health Canada Reminds Consumers That Some Ayurvedic Medicinal Products Contain High Levels of Heavy Metals Information Update

OTTAWA - Health Canada is reminding consumers who choose to use unapproved Ayurvedic medicinal products that some of these products may contain high levels of heavy metals. Consumption of excessive amounts of heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, pose serious health risks because they may accumulate in vital organs of the body. Children are most susceptible to the toxic effects of heavy metals.

In March 2008, a domestic case of heavy metal poisoning was published in the British Columbia Medical Journal, involving an adult male with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. The patient had been taking one tablet daily of the unauthorized Ayurvedic product Puspadhanva Rasa over a number of years to "increase vigour". Puspadhanva Rasa is manufactured by the Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic Pharmacy in India. The patient purchased this product in India and imported it into Canada for personal use. The product was found to contain extremely high levels of lead, mercury and arsenic.

The toxic effects of lead may include abdominal pain, anaemia, changes in blood pressure, reproductive effects, weakness, concentration problems, weight loss, insomnia, dizziness, kidney and brain damage. The toxic effects of mercury may include irritability, tremors, memory loss, insomnia, and concentration problems. Mercury can permanently damage the brain and kidneys. The toxic effects of arsenic may include skin and lung cancers, as well as heart and kidney disease and liver damage.

Ayurvedic medicinal products are used in traditional Indian healing practice and are often imported from India. According to the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, heavy metals may be used in a detoxified state in these medicinal products because of their presumed therapeutic properties. However, improper manufacturing processes may result in dangerously high levels of heavy metals in the final product.

Health Canada posted information on its website in March and July 2005, and in June and September 2006, to advise consumers that some Ayurvedic medicinal products may contain high levels of heavy metals.

Consumers should exercise caution when purchasing health products from outside Canada or over the Internet, as these products may not have undergone the same degree of assessment as those authorized for sale in Canada. Authorized health products will either bear an eight-digit Drug Identification Number (DIN), a Natural Product Number (NPN), or a Homeopathic Drug Number (DIN-HM). These numbers indicate that the product has been assessed by Health Canada for safety, efficacy and quality."

We have similar warnings in Sweden about heavy metals, pesticides and bacteria - for example coli bacteria.
Kind regards
Kind regards

S001 Mon Dec 6, 2010 03:57 PM

Thanks for the re-post Birgitta. Quite helpful.

And Vaidyan, it's true that faulty manufacturing processes can make even innocuous herbs dangerous. So how are the medicines that you prescribe prepared?

And how could one know about the genuiness of your medicines as well as the treatment for leukemia, MDS etc?

Vaidyan Mon Dec 6, 2010 10:39 PM

Thanks to every body participating in the discussion.

There are thousands of different formulations in Ayurveda in which heavy metals never come as ingredients. Siddha vaidyam, controversy prevails if branch of Ayurveda or independent science, prescribes lot about alchemy medicines.

While Ayurveda, though the purest healing science, is attracting skeptical approaches from people who are totally unfamiliar to it, here is an attempt to describe more.

Rasayanas are a class of formulations in Ayurveda, and immune - modulating drugs, formulated by sages of ancient times to improve the body's resistance power against diseases. Other benefits are longevity, improved memory power, health, sensory function and luster. These other benefits are in fact positive side effects, the way allopathy (unconventional Western medicines) give bad or negative side effects. Ayurveda promises immediate addressing for fatal diseases and long term betterment for degenerative chronic conditions. Personal closer observation and naadi reading – traditional pulse analysis in relation to constitutional thridoshas – is required in each and every cases to fix accurate treatment plan. Ayurveda treatment includes oral medicines, marma tantra, and application of medicated oil, necessary de-toxication program through virechana, regenerative treatments and tissue relaxation. Superior formulations are administered to treat different difficult diseases. Intricate course of repeated refining, elaborate processing and enrichment of formulations make these medicines superior to all other medicines and they work in a highly efficient manner. A patient recovering from a disease under such treatment is like a new physical being, with the body undergoing total regeneration. Maharishis and masters have handed down this Vedic knowledge from generation to generation. Many of this knowledge have been lost over time. However abundance of unique remedies still survive with indigenous Vaidyas scattered in the Indian rural. A master practitioner with such a linage of ancient tradition can successfully treat difficult disease conditions.

Plan of Treatment: Examination of the patient: constitution, abnormality, essence, stability, body measurements, diet suitability, psychic strength, digestive capacity and physical fitness. The study of the vital pressure points or marma is of special importance. Pacifying the aggravated doshas by using appropriate diet, natural herbs and minerals, eliminating the increased doshas from the body and Agadatantram (de-toxication).

Kayachiktsa (internal medicine) and observing the effect of therapeutic procedures, and the pathological process. From hundreds of herbal formulations are employed, what is required for specific disease conditions of a an individual patient is oushadhavidhi. Some animal products may also be used, for example milk, bones and gallstones (Gorochana in Sanscrit, Niu –Huang in Chinise - means treasure of cows). The practice of adding minerals as prescribed to herbal medicine is known as Rasa Shastra.

As internal medicines are continueing, Panchakarma and marma vidya may be started. Nasya, vamana, virechana, swedana, rakthamoshana – the five fold therapy is aimed at the eradication of basic cause of disease. The proper function of channels—tubes that exist within the body and transport fluids from one point to another—is seen as vital, and the lack of healthy channels may lead to disease and insanity. The blockages of these channels may lead to marrow disorders, rheumatism, epilepsy, and convulsions . Treatment consists of oil therapy, abhyanga and fomentation therapy. Snehana (internal and external oleation) is to loosen the aama that stuck in various sites of the body. This is administeration of thyla or gritha to the body. The sneha is given with herbs tailored to what the practitioner believes will help a specific client's disease.

Diet: Organic vegetarian meals, which will be varied and easily digestible is the basic recommendation. There are many different phases during a full course of cancer treatment, and during consultation a suitable dietary plan to be followed will be organised.

Member - Bharathiya Ayurveda Parampariya Vaidya Federation.
Indian Board of Alternative medicine.

S001 Tue Dec 7, 2010 05:26 AM

Thank you for that Vaidyan.

Neel Sun Dec 12, 2010 09:21 AM

Hey vaidyan give me ur id and where can i get this treatment ?

Vaidyan Mon Dec 13, 2010 03:26 AM

more details

please go through

S001 Sat Dec 25, 2010 01:43 PM

For anybody looking for more information on Ayurvedic treatment for MDS, visit -

The founder of this Speciality Ayurvedic Treatment Centre has previously successfully treated and cured (so I've been told) MDS patients. Bone marrow forums member Neel's father has been responding to this treatment as well. Worth a look up for sure.

sherin Tue Jan 18, 2011 08:08 AM

My Dad's experience in ayurvedha for his lymphoma
My father (72 yrs) in India was diagnosed with 4th stage lymphoma in last September. His physical condition became very bad, with free fluid in the abdomen. We feared that he was not going to withstand with strong chemotherapy. Doctors were not giving much hope, too. So we opted for an Ayurveda treatment which was heard to be given by Vaidya James in Cochin.

The result was amazing. How incredible the ancient Vedic science! After 4 months of treatment, dad is recovered from the disease. Also he has regained his physical wellness. (I had a nice vacation with my family, now returning to the work place in Bordeaux, France with much relief seeing dad safe again.)

(I would put this as a new post too)

S001 Wed Feb 2, 2011 08:20 AM

Ayurvedic Medicine Formulations from India Reviewed for Cancer Treatment, at the NCI (National Cancer Institute). Read here.

navn29 Sat Jun 11, 2011 07:51 AM

I've been to their faculty in DEHRA-DOON in India....jus was not impressed. I met their leading Doctor.....but he was so hopeless....infact d faculty did nt impress me. They may hv had success stories bt they nvr askd d patients to stop their allopathic medicines.I m nt against AYURVEDA...dat's my cultural heritage bt most of des centers claiming to hv cure fr cancers, I don't think so hv substantial ground results

navn29 Sun Jun 12, 2011 02:14 PM

Can u gv me some contact info of d ayurvedic doc who treated ur wld b a gr8 help.Howz ur dad doin nw...hope he's fine!!

pvinod Wed Oct 12, 2011 06:29 AM

Vaidyan, can you treat Aplastic Anemia?

Pezcubano Thu Nov 3, 2011 07:03 PM

My mother was diagnosed with MDS last week and we are looking for alternative treatments for her. Your father's experience seems very interesting and I'm sure would apply to her. How can I get in touch?

srikanth_srgm Wed Apr 25, 2012 01:42 AM

AML treatment
Dear Sir,

We hail from pious Brahmin family, residing at Srirangam.
My father is having clean habits and is having good physique. He has no other health problems like BP, Sugar and all his organs are functioning OK. He is aged 72. Till last year (in his career) he had not undergone any allopathic therapies. He used to take Aswagandha lehyam, Arjunarishtam and Daamoolarishtam etc., based on recommendation from local Ayurvedic physicians / shops.

During Dec’ 11, he was having cough and slight fever and he was anemic, and was diagnosed to have Tuberculosis and was treated for the same. (for three and a half months).
Recently, first week of April 2012, it was identified that he is having Blood Cancer (Acute Myeloid Leukemia).
We have not started the intense chemothraphy (being afraid of the side effects).

We have started palliative Chemotheraphy and is being administered Ara-c 40 mg since April 19th 2012 for 21 days.

Is there any possibility of curing using your medicines?

What is the duration of treatment, sucess rate, cost?
Is there any AML patients who have been cured by your medicines?

With Regards,

Tiruchiraqpalli - 620006

Ved Wed May 29, 2013 08:19 AM

Can you plesse help me?
My father in law, aged 77 years from Bangalore,India is suffering from MDS with 10% blasts and every 2 weeks once transfusing RBC & platelets. He had undergone hear surgery (CABG) 7 years back and subsequently left ventricle dysfunction recently. Because of all all these issues, Doctor has advised his against chemotherapy and only supportive care.

So, I am looking for Ayurvedic treatment to cure MDS and support his heart issues. Any body can suggest a good doctor who has a successful history regarding this. You may also email me @

Thanks for your help.

joesmith Sat Feb 1, 2014 07:17 PM

Beware of James Vaidyan Treatment Costs
It appears that Mr Vaidyan has managed to get a strong clientele of foreign patients and now he charges astronomical prices that are for sure out of the reach of the common man in India. Examples include demanding INR 10,000 (equivalent to $175 to $200) for a 10-day experimental treatment with no clarity on what the total treatment will cost. It is sad that patients and their loved ones are already undergoing so much physical and mental torture and then to have the stress of an unknown treatment with unknown costs is just not humane!!

freedomforever Sun Feb 23, 2014 08:21 PM

How did you know? Did you have a direct experience with James Vaidyan for you to say that he is charging too much? Considering the cost of the conventional treatment of MDS or AML, and other blood and bone marrow diseases which would cost hundreds of thousands if not millions, what he is charging at $200 (provided your claim is true), is actually nothing compared to the hospital costs.

Better that you share your experience/s here than giving seemingly partial opinions. TIA!

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