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Old Mon Aug 31, 2009, 11:29 PM
Marrowforums Marrowforums is offline
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Posts: 920
H1N1 (Swine) Flu Advisory

The Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation (AA&MDSIF) has issued a Health Advisory about the H1N1 Flu, commonly called the Swine Flu.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides information about H1N1 for the general population, but the AA&MDSIF advisory is specifically for patients with bone marrow failure diseases.

One particular question on the minds of many patients is answered in the advisory:
Should patients with bone marrow failure diseases get the H1N1 flu shots when they become available?

We believe the H1N1 vaccine will be safe and recommend getting an H1N1 flu shot. However, because of your underlying hematologic disease and its effect on your immune system, the H1N1 flu shot may not be as effective for you as it may be for other healthy individuals. This is especially true if you are taking immunosuppressive type drugs like ATG and cyclosporine.

For PNH patients, vaccination is fine if you are on Eculizumab (Soliris). If you are not receiving this drug, there is the potential for vaccination to cause activation of complement and lead to a flare up in your hemolysis. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
Other advice and information from the AA&MDSIF:
  • Follow the CDC guidelines to minimize exposure and the spread of the flu, including frequent hand washing and covering coughs.
  • If you get the H1N1 flu it is likely that you can take antivirals such as tamiflu and relenza, but check with your doctor.
  • Other peope in your household should be vaccinated if they are medically eligible.
  • You should avoid contact with people who have flu symptoms or the flu.
  • For pediatric patients, check with the doctor and local school district.
  • You should have a backup plan if your caregiver is ill or is exposed to the flu.
  • Periodically check the AA&MDSIF and CDC website (using the links above) for new information.
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