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Old Tue Apr 20, 2010, 08:33 AM
Marlene Marlene is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Springfield, VA
Posts: 1,409
Hi Bill,

So sorry to hear Kathryn is having such severe allergies. This is a very bad year. Even people who have never reacted before are having problems this season from all the pollen.

You know my first question is, did you speak with Rob yet? I would be concerned that maybe Kathryn may have an infection lurking as a result of the allergies which can impact her counts.

John and I both prefer to use natural methods versus drug but that is not always possible. He had to use Zyrtec for quite a while for hives that were induced by cold, exercise or friction for quite a long time after treatment. We found Zyrtec (5mg) worked better than Claritin. It's best if he takes it at night and it's good for 24+ hours. We always try to find the lowest possible, effective dose instead. So we start low and work up.

Regarding natural treatments, there are some things that can lessen allergic reactions. A couple of things that come to mind are: 1) eliminate all dairy for two week and see if there's a reduction in symptoms. Wheat is also huge culprit in contributing to seasonal allergies. For some reason, stopping these two food groups can positively effect seasonal allergies. 2) There's an OTC product called "allergen block". It traps the allergens from entering the nasal passages. I make up my own version and use it throughout the day. Mine also contain essential oils for sinuses and allergies. 3) Quercitin is an anti-oxidant which reduces histamines which then reduce allergic reactions. 4) This year, I have been helped greatly with homeopathic remedies. Finding the right remedy is key though and can be challenging. Kid respond really well to homeopathy. If you could find a good homeopathic doc that would be great.

You can do both....medicine and natural....especially if Kathryn is having trouble breathing. But I would rule out secondary infections also.

Please keep us posted. IMO, it doesn't sound like a relapse but it does sound like her BM is being taxed.

Marlene, wife to John DX w/SAA April 2002, Stable partial remission; Treated with High Dose Cytoxan, Johns Hopkins, June 2002. Final phlebotomy 11/2016. As of July 2021 HGB 12.0, WBC 4.70/ANC 3.85, Plts 110K.
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