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Old Sun Mar 27, 2011, 02:20 PM
Karenish Karenish is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Stafford, United Kingdom
Posts: 100
ATGwas not that bad for me

I don't know if I was lucky, but I fretted like mad before the treatment, reading all sorts of horror stories on the internet, but have to say it was not half as bad as I had imagined. I kept a blog which you may like to read. But basically I had one fever on the first night of the treatment, which they soon had under control, then a couple of rashes which were kept at bay by piriton. one tiny bit of nausea which lasted all of about 3 minutes so not sure where that came from, did not vomit as they gave me anti sickness med. Got jaw ache for a couple of days which I believe is common, it isn't awfully painful, just feels like it does when you have been to the dentist and had your mouth open too long. Palpitations came and went but I just listened to relaxing music and did some deep breathing. I think the best advise is to drink lots of fluids and keep eating, passing water and opening bowels gets rid of the ATG so your body can sort of recover. I had achey joints on the first few days of cyclosporin but once your platelets have thickened the blood a bit that has gone and I am on 2 x 200mg of the stuff daily along with anti virals, anti fungal and antibiotics, plus something to keep my tummy settled. All in all it has not been at all uncomfortable. The treatment keeps improving the more they give it. All I need now is blood levels to return to normal, and we are on the road to recovery, I don't care if they call it remission, I just want to be well again and firmly believe I will be! good luck and contact me if you want to read the blog
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