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Old Tue Jun 21, 2011, 09:44 PM
Hopeful Hopeful is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: California, USA
Posts: 768
Originally Posted by Darija View Post
Hello, I'm a first time poster, and an Aplastic Anemia newbie.
I am sure you have seen many posts and threads on ATG treatments, etc.
But I had some more questions, in hopes I can get any opinions, answers, or advice from anyone!
I am 26 years old, and have been diagnosed with A.A. about a month ago.
My siblings were unfortunately not matches for being donors for transplant, so instead of waiting idly by, my doctors want me to start Immuno-Suppressive Therapy tomorrow. I have read about people's reactions (both good and bad), and know that everyone is different, I just don't know what to expect.
What is serum sickness? and does anyone know if ATG will cause any problems later on down the road? I am hesitant to pursue this treatment because I feel healthy and energetic now (despite my severely low blood counts), and I fear leaving this treatment will make me much more worse off, because I seem to feel fine now.
Does anyone have any tips or advice for a more pleasant hospital stay during treatment?
I would appreciate any feedback whatsoever,
thank youuuu!
My biggest regret is that my IST was delayed while my doctors debated my illness. You must keep in mind that in most cases, your body can't recover from SAA on its own. The sooner treatment is started, the less damage to stem cells, the better the prognosis. Without treatment, despite "feeling" healthy and energetic, you will eventually become transfusion dependent, which is not a good thing. IST is not a cure, but it can buy you time and help you manage your disease if successful. If you respond to the treatment, you won't be worse off. I was very active before treatment, and am still that way now. Keep a positive attitude, maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, and don't let the disease define who you are!

Good luck with the ATG!
58 yo female, dx 9/08, AA/hypo-MDS, subclinical PNH, ATG/CsA 12/08, partial response. small trisomy 6 clone, low-dose cyclosporine dependent
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