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Old Thu Sep 15, 2011, 08:41 PM
David M David M is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Fayetteville, TN
Posts: 92
Just Checking In...

Well, I just wanted to check in and report where I am in my "struggle" with this Pancytopenia, or whatever we wish to call it...

Back in September of 2009, I wrote my initial entry in "My Story." It has been right at 2 years since then, and happily, nothing seems to have changed! Things haven't gotten any worse -- but sadly -- they haven't gotten any better either. My platelets have remained at ~40K (recorded as low as 34K), hgb has actually gone up to ~11 (at times), and I feel pretty good. Red cell and white cell counts are in the same neighborhood as 2 years ago as well. I am not bruising or bleeding, and I am not taking any medication (aside from an iron supplement). Also, no transfusions to this point! Trying to guzzle water like never before, and I'm eating better, but still eating my share of junk too... still need to improve in this area!

So, I am "watching and waiting." I go in every 3 months to get checked, and each time I wonder if THIS will be the time when things start to change -- for good or for ill. So far, each time it is the same story -- no change! Some people say the glass is half-empty, and other people say the glass is half-full -- but I'm just thankful to have a glass at all at this point! I am thankful for each new day! I feel good, and have even been able to exercise quite a bit. Kind of a strange existence -- kind of like living on the edge of a cliff -- but on the GOOD edge!

I do not have a clue as to what is going on in my blood. I still wonder "why" at times... Why are my counts low? Why have they trended downward over the last 11 years? Why have they been stable for the last 2 years? Why haven't they improved? Why doesn't anybody seem to have answers about my particular situation? Why? WHY? WHY?????

So, on the one hand, I struggle to try and make sense of it all. And on the other hand, I thank God for each new day. And on the other hand (wait, that is 3 hands, right?), I try not to worry -- but to just leave it in God's capable hand -- I guess that is the 3rd Hand. Perhaps some day, my counts will crash like Maggie's did (see posts by Magpie75)... and at that point I will adjust to whatever that means. But for now, things are pretty good.

Just wanted to check in! Until next time...
David M, reds/whites/plats slowly declining since 2000; hypo-cellular bone marrow; diagnosed Mild AA; low counts, but stable since 2009; watch and wait -- no treatments required to this point.

Last edited by David M : Thu Sep 15, 2011 at 09:42 PM. Reason: Font size too big.
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