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Old Mon Nov 28, 2011, 09:50 PM
pinebluff pinebluff is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Pine Bluff, AR
Posts: 12
Wow - talk about feeling enlightened!

No - I do not like any of the doctors here, but I walk a fine line because dad refuses to change or get a 2nd opinion. He said a 'lab result is a lab result'. A very stubborn man who doesn't want his daughter, of all people, telling him what he should do. This has been the greatest challenge - aside from his actual illness.

The oncologist/hematologist told him he wasn't seeing much improvement after the 2nd round of Vidaza in July. Dad was losing weight and feeling very fatigued during this time. So, after the 3rd round of Vidaza he told dad the blood levels weren't improving enough to justify the treatment. And that was that; he released him into hospice. So, he is receiving only palliative care and getting no further treatment or blood work. Although, after reading the posts on this forum, I decided it was time to take some initiative. I took dad in for a CBC this morning and left a message for the oncologist to call me. I will get him to explain the biopsy/smear and blood work to me.

I will post the details of the biopsy and new CBC as soon as I get them. Also, I want to ask about the drug your husband is receiving. It sounds very promising! Thank you again for your stories. They give me hope and encouragement for the future.
My Dad - 83 years old, diagnosed 5/2011: Pancytopenia w/myelodysplastic features - subclass uncertain. Finished Vidaza 0n 9/2011.
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