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Old Fri Mar 9, 2012, 06:50 AM
Chirley Chirley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Logan City Australia
Posts: 1,100
My oh my. Now I know what drama is.

I was on my way to have a blood test on Wednesday when I felt like I was going to faint so I sat on my walker and someone pushed me into the pathology clinic. I just got there when I collapsed. When I woke up I had vomited all over the place and been incontinent of bladder and bowels. Talk about being horrified! Well, I kept vomiting and passing in and out of consciousness and the pathology ladies called my GP and he came and took my blood pressure but he couldn't get one. So they called an ambulance and took me to hospital with lights and sirens.

At the hospital they thought I has septic shock because my blood pressure was still really low and my neuts were low(they didn't say numbers) so they had the resus team and the ICU team with me. After a lot of investigations they decided to admit me to ICU but didn't have a sterile room there so they transferred me this hospital with a medical escort. Here I was admitted to a neuro ward with 3 other people ??

After lots more tests it has been determined that they don't think I have an infection but my neurological problem has progressed and effecting the part of the brain which controls blood pressure called autonomic something or other. However after being here three days they are now thinking I need to go into an isolation room, sometimes doctors and hospitals are hard to comprehend!

Anyway I have been very well looked after and I see my hematologist every day and my neurologist twice a day. I'm on a continuous potassium infusion and have started copper infusions as well. My blood pressure is better and sits around 80/35 although sometimes it drops lower. Apparently I now have C3 myelopathy which is at a level where the diaphragm and breathing can be effected but so far, so good.

I had another MRI which incidentally mentions that I have no bone marrow. The hematologist says that he thought that should have improved with the copper that I had last year, so I think I might be having another BMB in the future. My last bone marrow said 10 to 30 percent cellularity and because my numbers came really normal we thought that must have improved.

The neurologist said that this autonomic what ever thingy might be permanent and I might be in big trouble so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it improves.

I apologize if I'm not making a lot of sense because I have also been a little bit confused the last couple of days and forget things really fast.

Copper deficiency bone marrow failure (MDS RAEB 1), neuromyelopathy.
FISH reported normal cytogenetics but gene testing showed
Xq 8.21 mutation
Xq19.36 mutation
Xq21.40. mutation
1p36. Mutation
15q11.2 deletion
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