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Old Sun Jul 15, 2012, 03:13 AM
cathybee1 cathybee1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Fort Jones, California
Posts: 399
Not boring at all, Chirley. I hope you get your power chair soon and that the pain resolves. I wish someone, somewhere could figure out how to stop the neurological progression.

Bruce currently is getting transfusions once a month, and taking 1000 mg of Exjade daily. He had a kidney stone last month and has some stenosis in one of the arteries leading to the kidney, but so far between that and the Exjade his creatinine levels haven't worsened. Knocking wood. The cardiologist took him off Plavix and put him on a statin. His platelets dropped below normal after he started the Plavix, and haven't returned to normal, so we don't know if they will.

I'm so glad to hear from you. Hugs,

Catherine, wife of Bruce age 75; diagnosed 6/10/11 with macrocytic anemia, neutropenia and mild thrombocytopenia; BMB suggesting emerging MDS. Copper deficient. Currently receiving procrit and neuopogen injections weekly, B12 dermal cream and injections, Transfusions ~ 5 weeks.
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