Thread: MDS in Greece
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Old Sun Aug 26, 2012, 12:39 PM
olgah olgah is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Greece
Posts: 4
MDS in Greece

Good evening from Greece.MY father was diagnosed with MDS in Feb,2009. The first doctor simply told us it was an old person's sickness and simply take him home and let him die.After some resaearc my sister and I did on the web,we discovered another doctor and went to him. He was given Epogen but after 6 months, the therapy stopped because the national health system in Greece would not cover the cost and we would have to pay 3000e per month,something we could not afford. The only treatment he is getting is blood transfusions,and that too is tough because we have to replace the blood he ususe and Greeks are not known blood donors. I guess my point is we do not know anything about his condition and his doctor is always busy and quite rude at times and we cannot ask him any questions. The past 2 months he has become worse. He can barely walk and is always sleeping. His memory has become weak.I just want to know what the final stages of MDS are. My father turned 73 this August. Unfortunately there is noone to ask here in Greece and we are going through a lot of difficult times as a country. Any help would be more thann welcome. Thank you very much.
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