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Old Thu May 30, 2013, 11:54 PM
billyb billyb is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Georgia
Posts: 117
May.... Your not being a Debbie Downer, I think a lot of poeple on forums that have been around awhile try to keep things in perspective.... To keep a positive outlook on things so it can give people hope and insight to what thier about to experience, and as time goes on, each individule can see what the furture holds for them and thier loveones, at somepoint in our journeys we have to understand these are the cards we have been delt, and we do whatever it takes to overcome the fear, anger, lonelyness, confussion, bitterness and so on to have a peaceful and fullfilling life. Somtimes it seems as if things just ar'nt getting any better....But if you give up hope they will never get better, sometimes all you can do is just hang on, and after a little bit of a rough ride things will smooth out, Ive been married 11 years, my wife and I have been dealing with some kind of cancer for 6 of those years, you want to talk about what did we do to deserve this...We have been there, but we chose not to stay there, we make it work when we dont want to, go to treatment when we dont feel like it, and so on, we dont give up... no matter what......Love and Prayers....Billy and Tina
Billy - Husband of Tina: 31 years old at dx - June 2007 - Stage 3 Breast Cancer - Dec 2008 Stage 4 - Brain and Bone - Nov 2012 - Therapy Related AML. Curently on Decitabine for Therapy Related AML and Herceptain for ongoing Breast Cancer. Weekly transfussions of blood and platelets
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