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Old Wed Aug 28, 2013, 02:05 AM
Neil Cuadra Neil Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
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Originally Posted by DebS View Post
They are considering a mini or reduced intensity transplant for my husband, but the doctor said they would not know or decide until he has been examined and evaluated. In one way, I would like for him to have this as it sounds like it would be less taxing for him. But in another way, I have heard that the regular intensity chemo regimen is better. Any ideas??

I suggest that you wait for the recommendation of the medical team. That's the starting point for making your decision.

What's best depends in part on Doug's overall health status. At age 61 he's in the gray area where a mini transplant may be appropriate to minimize the chances of complications or interactions with other health conditions, but where if all signs are positive a full transplant might still turn out to be the advisable choice.

Once the doctors recommend one approach or the other, ask them to explain what they see as the tradeoffs and the reasoning behind their recommendation.
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