First let me say, that I am on Dacogen treatment, and that the 1st round made my platelets go from 90 to 50 after the 1st week (averaging 80 for two months) ... Three days before my second weekly blood test, I read about D3 on here, and took it for those three days in dropper form: 2,500 IU's per day... my blood test came back at 60, so I put it aside, and figured it worked ok... I maybe took one more dose during the next week, and my 3rd weekly blood test came back with 209 platelets...
To be fair all my numbers rose, except for WBC and Neutrophils (which I believe is a known side-effect), and Dacogen may have played a part (been completely responsible) in the platelet rise... but my hemo/oncologist was absolutely astounded by the increase, even though RBC and Hb were up, they were only up 10-15%, Platelets were up nearly 350%... He said there is no explanation for such an increase...
Married, father of three daughters; now 46; diagnosed w/ Major form MDS 6/18/2013; had low counts across the board; Multiple chromosome abnormalities; Finished 2nd round Dacogen 9/13; SCT - Oct. 31, 2013; Sibling match 10/10 ; 5.5% blasts down to 3%, now 1% (post BMT)