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Old Wed Oct 9, 2013, 08:15 AM
Chirley Chirley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Logan City Australia
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I have just been told I can't have weight loss surgery. The consensus of opinion (Surgeon, Physician and Neuro) is that I have no hope of improving so why bother.

This means I also can't have my hips fixed or the broken bone in my back stabilised.

I'm in constant pain and the medical recommendation is narcotics and bed rest for the rest of my life. This is not what I consider a quality life. I'm 57 years old, feel like I'm 30 on the inside and feel like I'm 80 in my body. My GP tells me I'm lucky because I'm intelligent and articulate. Personally, I think having clarity just makes me more aware of my limitations.

Last night at 3am after being kept awake from pain, I finally gave up and took 10mgs of Diazapam, a Mogadon, 2 Nurofen, a slug of gin and hot packs on my left leg, right hip and back. I did sleep for an hour and a half until the pain woke me again.

Yesterday's blood tests were ok. Hb 100 (152 to 100 in 2 weeks) WCC 2.00, neuts 1.0 and lymphs have gone down again (thankfully) to 0.5, platelets weren't mentioned so they must be ok. I was supposed to hear from the Physician about going into hospital for copper this week but I haven't heard anything and I'm not in the frame of mind to chase them up and remind them.

So tired.
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