Hi again Craig,
One other thought, I noticed on WebMD that a low WBC is listed as a rare side effect of the medication you are on:
And also, they list low platelets as another potential side effect. I noticed while your platelets are fine, they are on the lower end of normal, as compared to your red blood which is well into the normal range.
I wonder if that would be worth bringing up to the doctors, with the idea of perhaps trying a substitute?
It seems there are many medications with lowered blood counts as an uncommon but notable side effect.
Kevin, male age 45; dx SAA 02/2012 - Hgb 5.8, platelets 14, ANC 200, 1% cellularity. Received ATG 03/2012. As of 03/2015, significant improvement - Hgb 15, platelets 158, ANC fluctuates around 1000, Lymphocytes 620. Tapering cyclosporine. BMB 20-30% cellularity.
Last edited by KMac : Fri Jan 31, 2014 at 01:45 PM.