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Old Tue Feb 11, 2014, 11:04 AM
topcow topcow is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: McPherson, KS U.S.
Posts: 8
No, the fever has not resolved. In fact it has gotten worse. It has been going on for a month and now starts earlier in the day and does not always go down when I take something for it. I also have unexplained anemia and my hgb has gone up since beginning iron supplements but my ferritin is not coming up as much as the doc thinks it should.

All the labs my docs have done show no signs of any type of infection, that is why the fever has them scratching their heads. The past 4-5 days I have now been getting daily headaches too. I know it is time to see a hematologist, I am just wondering if platelets normally fluctuate or if they tend to stay pretty steady.

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