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Old Tue Jan 6, 2015, 04:49 PM
Chirley Chirley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Logan City Australia
Posts: 1,100
Hi Julie, I'm pleased to hear you've come through the chemo... Now just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Hope you don't feel too bad when your counts bottom out.

If I remember correctly, when they built the new Lady Cilento Children's Hospital (which I'm looking at right now) they moved the Leukaemia Foundation accomodation village to near the QE2 Hospital and they run constant shuttle bus services to all the major hospitals. Have you got a LF case worker? If any one is entitled to accomodation in one of their apartments you should....after all you had to relocate from interstate to get family support. It doesn't hurt to you've found out lately...unless you make a noise, no one listens.

As for I didn't see the fireworks. I was fast asleep...damn exhaustion, all types of intentions that never make reality. Oh, and I have a tube alright, it's large enough to feed an elephant through....ugh! Turns out my stomach was so twisted that a small tube would have just kinked off so I have this huge thing sticking out of my nose with a great big cm square clamp on it right on my nose to stop it feeding in further than 96cms then of course, just to make it more aesthetically pleasing, I have Elastoplast tape around the tube and over my nose as well as over the tube along my cheek. I'm not allowed anything by mouth at all. So I haven't even had a drnk of water since Sunday. I'm told this will be permanent unless I have some form of surgery which they are going to discuss today. I keep telling myself to stop being precious and just suck it up...but it's hard! I'm such a precious little princess!

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