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Old Mon Jan 19, 2015, 01:52 PM
PolyG PolyG is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Slovenia
Posts: 3
Father with RCMD

Hello everyone,

since my beloved father was diagnosed with MDS- RCMD in october 2014 and since i accidentally found this forum on web, i have been reading you guys a lot!

This forum has provided a lot of useful information and advice along with stories that give hope to me and my family. At this point i would like to say, that people on this forum are really inspiring and i wish all the best to all of you fighting this disease.

My father has a very low platelet count: 30 k at dx and 24 k at this time, his other counts are not so bad, although they have declined a bit since october. But still they are all low.

The no. of blasts is unknow to me, while his hematologist failed to send the BMB report to us, but i guess they are below 5%, otherwise he would be classified as RAEB? Is that correct?

My father is taking promacta 75 mg per day since december 2014, they started him on promacta when his platelet count was 16 k. Since then they are stable at 24 k but still extremly low.

I would like to hear about your experiences with promacta, how long did it take to see improvement, maybe it is not working for my father? I saw some posts from members that had a very positive response, but i would like to hear as much of personal info as i can.

My father is 76 and has a coronary artery disease and is taking blood thiners. Maybe is that the reason that promacta is not having a bigger effect?
Also he is a very special person, full of lust for life and new ideas, i really wish to have him around for a long time.
Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts on this post. I would be really grateful for your response.

Thank you very much,


P.S. Sorry on my grammar and spelling, english is not my first language, i come from Slovenia
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