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Old Mon Apr 20, 2015, 12:42 AM
Hopeful Hopeful is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: California, USA
Posts: 768
Originally Posted by sues View Post
I am on day 16 since they began treatment with atg and cycosporine. It has been hell and I almost regret doing it, but with severe a a I will just die.
Hang in there! You are almost through the worst of it!

Remember this advice:

1. Don't be in a hurry to taper off of cyclosporine if your counts are still increasing and you are tolerating it okay.

2. Do not taper quickly! Monitor your counts vigilantly during the taper.

3. If your counts start decreasing, stop the taper until they stabilize for a period of time.

Best of luck!
58 yo female, dx 9/08, AA/hypo-MDS, subclinical PNH, ATG/CsA 12/08, partial response. small trisomy 6 clone, low-dose cyclosporine dependent
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