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Old Tue Aug 1, 2006, 01:27 PM
Marrowforums Marrowforums is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 920
AA&MDSIF 2006 Patient & Family Conference

The annual Patient & Family Conference of the Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation (AA&MDSIF) will be held in Nashville, Tennesee on August 2-4, 2006.

The more than 200 patients and their families who are expected to attend will hear about the latest research and treatment options for bone marrow failure diseases from leading medical experts. Related topics such as health and wellness issues and Medicare drug programs will also be discussed. See Schedule.

An important feature of the conference is the opportunity for attendees to ask their own questions of the doctors and other professionals. Representatives of pharmaceutical companies and health organizations will also be available to answer questions about drugs and other health issues.

In separate workshops, trained facilitators will lead discussions among patients, spouses, parents, and other caregivers to allow attendees to share experiences, exchange information, and support each other.

One highlight of the Conference this year will be the announcement of Marrowforms, whose opening was timed to coincide with the Conference. We hope to see conference attendees join us here at Marrowforms!

The AA&MDSIF is the oldest and largest patient advocate and support organization for bone marrow diseases and holds its Patient & Family Conference annually, each time in a different city. The chance for patients and their families to meet and discuss their situations face-to-face can be of immeasuable benefit. provides some of the same benefits 365 days a year by letting patients and famly members "meet" and "talk" over the Internet.
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