Thread: Live Vaccines
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Old Tue Jan 24, 2017, 06:20 AM
Meri T. Meri T. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 175
It's one of those visa procedures that can't wait. Trust me, I would wait if I could. Thank you for your concern.

Thanks for the links. I printed them out and showed the doctor. The doctor was sympathetic but he stated that the hematologist's letter trumphed all. And as it stated very clearly that I could take the live vaccines, then no waiver, sorry. He suggested the antibody tests first, so we will have the results in a few days. That should buy me some time as I am seeing my hematologist this Thursday.

The doctor mentioned that should my hematologist change his mind, and decided that live vaccines would be a no-no for me, then I could get a blanket waiver for the shots. I guess I'll present my case to my hematologist again and get a new letter if possible (sigh!).

(Sigh again!) Can you believe it took over 2 weeks for the old letter!! I prepared the layout, my hema just needed to fill in the blanks, but it took 2 whole weeks because they don't do English over here. I'm at one of the best hospitals in Tokyo, the best in cord blood transplant, and a very famous transplant team to boot. It's where all the government hotshots get their physical, but it takes 2 whole weeks for a statement in English! They said I was lucky because my hematologist could do English, so it was only 2 weeks, sometimes it could take as long as 6 months if the hospital translator was away on business! And that's just in the admin corner, don't get me started on other stuff!
Okay, rant over. Really sorry, but just had to get it out of my system
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