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Old Mon Oct 2, 2017, 08:32 PM
Meri T. Meri T. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 175
cmv post transplant 4months

Blood tests came out positive for cytomegalovirus, so I am on anti-virals for 8days.
The pharmacist says the drugs will lower my blood counts a bit.The virus was caught early, very fortunate, so it didn't have time to wreck havoc on my already frsil intestines or attack my lungs.

Doctors say it was the atg that weakened the Donor, that gave latent cmv a hand in the upsurge. He has reduced my cyclosporine to 75mg/day, prednosine to 20mg/day, as well as other drugs.

My counts
wbc 5.2
rbc 3.05
plts 96

I am not tethered to my drip anymore, I can eat normal food (if the hospital food can be passed as normal!) if all goes well- no fevers, No new viruses, no new gvhd surprises, then I will be released this Saturday.

Wish me luck.Some prayers would be nice too.
Wish me luck.
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