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Old Mon Oct 9, 2017, 05:06 AM
Meri T. Meri T. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 175
MDS- Released from hospital after 5 months-stay

Thank you Rarity, Hopeful and Lisa, guess the Lord did hear those prayers, and Saturday saw me released from 5 months of isolation.

My hematologist says my MDS (RAEB1) is in remission. I came home with strict directions to take my meds as prescribed, call the hospital if I run a temperature over 38oC, can't keep food down, get diarrhea, have difficulty breathing, or any other worries. They say it's best to catch every little symptom early, because so many get pneumonia or infections when they go back home.

I am to avoid dust, mold, crowds...
How can I? It's Tokyo!
So I keep my windows closed on this wonderful autumn day, and just take a very short walk around a nearby park for exercise.

I have weekly blood tests, so that the doctors can taper the cyclosporin and steroids etc. My platelets have been falling since I took those meds for CMV. WBC and RBCs are okayish.

The outer part of my tongue has a white layer, but the inner part of my tongue has this dark greenish layer, and makes everything tastes sour. I remember reading a post somewhere about Baille(?) who had a major tongue cleaning and scraping. I just use my toothbrush, doesn't work. Any ideas everyone?

Meri (typing from HOME!)
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