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My mother went to the hematologist today. She told her that her neutrophils are a good indication of ATG success, but it doesn't tell the whole story. My mother has to have her blood rise one more time for the hematologist to declare the horse-atg treatment a total success. She had a big rise in hemoglobin a month ago, but since then, there have been no real big rises. We just need one more rise for the doctor to say it worked. Even if she needs transfusions for a few more months after another big rise, the hematologist said it would not be a big concern, apart from iron overload. We're crossing our fingers.
Note: she reiterated that platelets would be the last line to rise, most likely, and that's okay. Also, she reduced her cyclosporine to a much lower dosage as she believes Promacta + ATG is what is really moving things along. I'm just saying what she said. But cyclosporine is still needed.
Health and happiness to everyone.