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Old Thu Apr 7, 2022, 01:43 PM
mola-tecta mola-tecta is offline
Join Date: Sep 2021
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 35
My mother's blood numbers are looking great to day - Hgb 10.2, platelets 69, WBC are great. Creatinine went down to normal and eGFR is up. Liver numbers are okay too.

But the past few days she has been having a LOT of intense nausea, worse than before, enough to vomit and have trouble keeping things down. Today they tried giving her IV zofran and compazine but she is still feeling bad, so they are admitting her to the hospital for further testing and making sure she gets IV fluids and such.

I'm kind of beside myself right now, I don't know what to do. On one hand, it's good that she is being admitted so they can maintain fluids and nutrients, on the other hand they don't know why this is happening. Her temp is normal, other vitals are normal, no pain just the usual fatigue. I hope they figure something out.

While her WBC numbers look great normally, they actually jumped quite a bit from Monday's blood draw - ANC from 2.3 to 4, WBC from 4.8 to 6.1. Maybe this means a possible infection?
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