Thread: 2nd Transplant
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Old Mon Jul 25, 2022, 04:50 PM
Rarity Rarity is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Posts: 72
2nd Transplant

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well.
It?s been a while and a roller coaster these last 2 years. Still fighting the fight 5 years later. My husband has been faced with a few relapses 2 years after transplant. We are grateful for the successful uneventful 2 years after the first transplant.
To recap my husband was diagnosed with MDS in 2017. On watch and wait / transfusion dependent until 2018 at which time he was transplanted MUD. He did excellent after transplant. About 2 years later, in 2020 during a routine biopsy it was determined he had relapsed and progressed to secondary AML.
He went the Veneticlax/decitabine route. Unfortunately, did not put him in remission. Admitted for a more aggressive chemo with Vexyos. Some health side effects. It was especially difficult during the pandemic. Six weeks with no visitors but very understandable. Thankfully it got him in remission and was fine once again.
About 5 months later during routine labs his platelets were low and continued to drop very fast. Relapsed again and admitted for more treatment. This was the hardest on his body with several complications. He persevered and in remission once again. He doesn?t stay in remission for very long. A DLI was next.
He had 2 failed DLI's 5 months later with the same donor but couldn?t proceed to the 3rd as it was determined he was in relapse again when we were about to do the last DLI and was sent home. We were not expecting that news and we were shocked. About a month ago he received treatment once again with the hopes of another remission and do a 2nd transplant before another relapse.
A true fighter he did get in remission again. Now in hospital for a 2nd transplant (Haplo this time) and doing well. Hopefully this will either cure it or a more durable remission.

All the best,
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