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Old Tue Jun 3, 2008, 06:55 PM
mannythedog mannythedog is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Marble, NC
Posts: 103
Pop UpDate 6/3/2008

Its Tuesday again, and the news is about the same, with exception that he gets no blood products this week, so far. What do I mean... well, his platelets are 1 point from needing them; however, his throat is weeping blood, and has increased as his platelet count drops. He is also bruising worse.

Yesterday, he went to the eye doctor to get his eye pressure checked. He has had the onset of glaucoma prior to this, and has been taking drops. His eyes have been hurting him, and has not bothered to see his ophthalmologist {for obvious reasons} well, the local optometrist looked at him, and said his pressures were good, due to the weak blood, but the oxygen issue is causing discomfort. Makes sense. Oxygen deprivation will cause organ decay. Anyway, I got off on a tangent, my wife... and everyone else in the world, gets on me, but I am laying ground work here. Anyway, after that he, mom and my daughter Belle {6}, who was off school yesterday and today, went to get some ice cream. He got a sugar cone, and severely bruised his mouth and gums. It looks like he lost a fight. Over the weekend, he bumped into the counter and bleed like a stick pig for hours, and has a 6 inch bruise to prove it.

He is bruising so much easier these past couple of weeks; furthermore, Belle went with them to get his blood test today, she loves to see the lab techs, and really thinks it is interesting. She asked me tonight why Pop's blood was blue, and hers was red when she had her test. She understands that pop is sick, and his blood is tired, so I did not have to go in too deep.

I know many of you reading this are wondering why Belle is going places with them. Pop loves her so much, and wants to spend as much time with her as he can, so Angie and I allow it. She is going to have a tough time when he leaves us, but the memories she is going to have of him will be worth it. He now spends much of his time in his chair and on the couch, or sleeping in bed, but he is good for a puzzle, some cartoon discussion and a bout of doll's. Us Schultze guy's aren't afraid to do an occasional tea party from time to time either.

On a lighter note. Since Angie graduated, she did get a job at Blairsville General as a medical coder. {one county over, and just over the state line} She is very excited. Started Monday, and is very happy. The business office there is very professional. Pop is so proud of her and keeps asking for up-dates . They never consider her as their daughter in law, just another Schultze girl.

Thanks for letting me jabber. It feels good to know people read my ramblings.

Prayers to all of you who are sick, and the care givers standing by you.


Scott, Son of BOB. My father, diagnosed 9/07 with "hypo-cellular acute bone marrow Leukemia" AA, AML & MDS. He was 77 years old 08/25/2008. He was being treated with Ara-C, blood and platelets w/needed. Stopped blood treatments 12/08/08 & passed 12/23/2008. Pop was the best father and friend.
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