Thread: patients in CT
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Old Sun Nov 30, 2008, 06:02 PM
Neil Cuadra Neil Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
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Sorry to jump in with an off-topic post, but I wanted to put in another vote for conscious sedation.

Originally Posted by Beth I View Post
HI've been begging for conscious sedation and the docs there agree it is necessary, but they don't do conscious sedation for bmb there, so it has been difficult to accomplish. I have another one scheduled for 12/15 and will supposedly get conscious sedation. We'll see.
I know that you already have enough to do and enough on your mind, Beth, but I suggest that you write to higher-ups at Sloan and tell them that you feel strongly that conscious sedation should be available to patients who have to undergo such tough procedures, and asking them if they agree that it's an important technique for pain management. We wrote a letter like that to the City of Hope hospital when it wasn't routinely available there. Now it is, and they told us the letter helped.

Conscious sedation requires an anesthesiologist, and that increases the cost, so insurance coverage may become a question. There's also a risk anytime anthesthesia is used. But our hematologist found that she gets better samples from sedated patients, so it can have a medical benefit as well.
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