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Old Thu Dec 18, 2008, 06:23 PM
mannythedog mannythedog is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Marble, NC
Posts: 103
Pop Update 12/18/2008

Today pop received his hospital bed. I took off work early to break down Mom and Pop's room. Mom asked me to swing by Kelly's Home Health {great people} and pick up a wheel chair for the day. Apparently, Pop could not get out of bed today. I needed to lift him and we shuffled to the chair. He stayed on the couch while we waited for Kelly's to deliver and set up the bed.

He and I talked while we waited, and he was not lucid all the time. His hemoglobin levels must be so low that it seems he is not getting enough oxygen. His platelets must also be dropping rapidly. His gums are bleeding, and his recent needle points from last week are re-bruising under his skin.
On the lighter side, he asked for some Pepsi, and stated it was the worst ginger ale he ever tasted. I laughed and explained why. He caught on and gave me a ha, ha.

After the set up, we re-shuffled to the chair, and I got him back to bed. I would say that he has lost about 1/2 of his body mass since his fall 2 weeks ago. I only use this as a meter because that was the last time I saw him partially dressed and lifted his whole weight. He is swelling around his spleen also, becoming distended and getting sores already.

Belle keeps asking to see her Pop, I will take her to see him one more time tomorrow night. Just moving him around, he was so tired, mom gave him a pill, I don't know which one, and she has the morphine rub for his gums. He is sleeping now. I guess as long as I keep the room fairly dark, it will be o.k. She really needs to see him at least one more time.

The hospice nurse stated that he may have a week at the most from her past experiences. I know Pop has been tough up to now, but I hope he goes sailing soon. I don't mind being there, and giving him and mom my time, but he is so miserable. I want him to be comfortable, and I am afraid that my 6'5" 280 lbs hurts him when some I lift him. I am glad I am walking distance so if she needs me, I am there.

He is sleeping now, and that pretty much what he will be doing, so I will not write again until his journey ends. Not much else to say, for I have given all the information that Pop wanted me to give. He hoped his experiences would help others prepare for the next phase after all options were exhausted.

It was a gift to keep him around for the extra time and I will thank God forever for that gift. I love you dad.


Son Of Bob
Scott, Son of BOB. My father, diagnosed 9/07 with "hypo-cellular acute bone marrow Leukemia" AA, AML & MDS. He was 77 years old 08/25/2008. He was being treated with Ara-C, blood and platelets w/needed. Stopped blood treatments 12/08/08 & passed 12/23/2008. Pop was the best father and friend.
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