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Old Wed Dec 31, 2008, 08:03 AM
run4peach1 run4peach1 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Johnstown, PA
Posts: 59
As I am preparing to leave to go to the hospital to see my father (age 78), I was reading this thread. After many tears, I decided to reply.

I fear my father may be on the same course as your Dad. After one treatment of vidaza and two of dacogen, his counts have just crashed. White cells and platelets at critical levels. He was just diagnosed with MDS after years of battling a high platelet count. I pray that, as the doctor said, this crash is most likely caused by the dacogen (chemo). I fear that his marrow has just shut down.

I also have a 2 and a half year old. My daughter adores her pap pap, and the feeling is very mutual. I don't know how to approach that yet.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, along with everyone else suffering in some way. May the New Year bring you Peace and strength.
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