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Old Wed Jan 16, 2013, 06:58 AM
Rainer A Kohl Rainer A Kohl is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Pretoria South Africa
Posts: 1
Smile Hi Stayinghopeful

My husband just became a member of this forum, although he was dx already in 2007 (he was 65). He was very ill and we nearly lost him because of the unforgivable misdiagnosis of his then physician and other so-called specialists. . . It was terrible to see him suffer! But then God sent us the miracle of a superb hematologist who immediately put him on vidaza and within weeks he made a fantastic recovery. He was on Vidaza for 12 months every 4 weeks - then went into remission, i.e. his monthly blood tests showed a perfect balance! Unfortunately he keep secretly smoking which obviously caused a relapse, so
he went back on chemo since March 2012 - now phase-stretched to 8 weekly
5-day treatments with dacogen which he responds to better. The only side effects he has (after the 5-day treatments) is constipation, some breathlessness and dizziness - for about a week or so (the constipation we treat with prune juice; works the best). His metabolism seems a little delicate but this could be age related.
Since receiving treatment, he is like a rejuvenated person! Can you believe even his hair started growing again on his bald patch? He seems to heal quicker when he gets a 'flu or cuts himself (he's an artist and sculptor). I make sure he eats well (not too much red meat), gets enough stimulation, rest and exercise, and leads a full life. (And he definitely gave up smoking!)
The reason I'm relating all this to you is to give you much more hope that your dad will cope very well in the future! Believe me, these treatments are life-savers! Our family cannot express our gratefulness and relief enough for our 'Papi' to have received this extended good health and life time! Take heart and continue to give your dad all the support and love - which includes smiles and laughter! Mami Hedy

Last edited by Rainer A Kohl : Wed Jan 16, 2013 at 07:01 AM. Reason: adding a sentence.
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