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Old Sun Jul 8, 2012, 06:14 AM
PattiDean PattiDean is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Clearwater, FL
Posts: 171
It is 5:00 a.m. and I (Patti) have been awake since 3:30 a.m. Thankfully Dean is sleeping, he is so tired all the time.

While I was laying awake I was thinking about everyone on this forum. You may be the patient, spouse, partner, child, grandchild, friend, yet each of you take the time to offer support, knowledge, sympathy, compassion, and even when we think all hope is gone, you share your good news in dealing with this disease. I just want to keep thanking you over and over again for helping Dean and I through this last week and giving us the strength to know that even though we have a long road ahead of us, we can make it through this, we are not alone.

I do wish I could wrap my arms around everyone and make all of this go away.

NewfinTexas, reading your post was almost as though I had written it. You expressed everything that I am feeling. You are right, I am so thankful for this forum, so many kind and caring people to help us through the coming months, and hopefully years. Dean and I do not have children or siblings, we just moved to the west coast of Florida to take care of my mother, not realizing that Dean would be the one needing care. I feel that I am not alone when I sit in front of my computer and see the kind and caring people on this board that have written to me offering their support and letting me peek into their lives as they live with this disease.

triumphe64, I agree with NewfinTexas, your name is positive!

NewfinTexas, please let me know how your husband does with his treatment, our husbands will be going through this journey at the same time, and maybe we can share our fears and "triumphs" along the way. We are blessed that Dean and I are older, we are retired and are covered through Medicare. It has to be overwhelming to be dealing with MDS and worrying about your business, when you want to concentrate all your energy on being there for your husband. (((HUGS))) Have a wonderful time this week with your grandchildren! They are such a joy! I am happy they will be there with you.

Before I end my post and make myself a cup of coffee, I have one question. Can someone give me an idea of what foods to make for Dean if he does not have an appetite during his treatments. He lost twenty pounds before we found out he had MDS, and thankfully he has put five pounds back on, eating is helping to calm him down. I stop eating when I am nervous, he reaches for food, so I am happy about that. I do worry that he will lose more weight during treatment. Thank you for any help you can give me.

I will keep everyone in my prayers.

Are we allowed to attach pictures? I would like to post a photo of Dean and I, I am not sure why, but I guess so we are just not a name, I guess as a way of introducing ourselves. I am not sure if that is permitted. Thank you.
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