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Old Sat Feb 1, 2014, 07:06 PM
Chirley Chirley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Logan City Australia
Posts: 1,100
Hi Birgitta, I've lost 15kgs (33lb). I haven't noticed any improvement in my mobility but my hip is hurting less.

I had hoped my mobility would improve but in reality I doubted it. I was really aiming to maintain what mobility I do have for longer so I can stay in my own home.

Things are tough here at the moment.

My mother hasn't been well and I had to contact her doctor and insist on some tests being done. I find it stressful dealing with my mothers health problems because she is very abusive and lies, and does everything to undermine her own health care. She told her doctor that she never vomits or has abdo pain or faints but she does these things every day. Anyway, long story short....they found an abdominal aneurism and a clogged artery to her bowel which is causing her to lose blood supply to her bowel. She needs treatment or her bowel could die but she is throwing her usual tantrums and I'm tired of it.

Just to top of a not so good month, a friend of the family went missing and the police eventually found him dead in his car where he gassed himself. He was 39yo.

When things are bad, they have no where to go but up.
Copper deficiency bone marrow failure (MDS RAEB 1), neuromyelopathy.
FISH reported normal cytogenetics but gene testing showed
Xq 8.21 mutation
Xq19.36 mutation
Xq21.40. mutation
1p36. Mutation
15q11.2 deletion
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