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Old Tue May 10, 2016, 11:19 AM
PaulS PaulS is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: New York
Posts: 247
I understand how you feel about transfusions - but with HgB at 7.something they will make you feel better - some on this board have gone many years just getting transfusions - and yes, MDS and very low HgB will make you tired - transfusions should help.

Glad you wife is going with you.

As I and others have said - age alone shouldn't disqualify you for a transplant - neither should some history of heart disease - although both make the transplant more complicated and risky. The have mini-transplants that are easier for older people and/or people with other health problems to tolerate. A transplant specialist would really be the person to talk to about that - a hematologist/oncologist should refer to someone - if not - then maybe start at the transplant center nearby.

Good luck with you next visit.
Lower risk MDS diagnosed 2012. Recurring skin nodules treated with prednisone, otherwise watch and wait. HG dropped from 11.5 to 8.7. Kept going down to 5. Vidaza didn't work. BMT from MUD on September 10 2015
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