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Old Thu Feb 4, 2016, 09:08 PM
Neil Cuadra Neil Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 2,553
Bone marrow transplants and stem cell transplants are definitely treatment choices for many MDS RAEB-2 patients.

Some reasons to consider a transplant:
  1. You have a high-risk MDS subtype.
  2. Transplants can cure MDS.
  3. A twin donor, sibling donor, or exact match unrelated donor is available, which increases your chances of success.
  4. You're young and healthy, which increases your chances of success.
  5. Other treatment choices, e.g., drug treatments, have failed.
  6. If you'll eventually need a transplant, it may be best to have it sooner rather than later, before your health gets worse.
  7. You prefer this treatment choice.
Some reasons to consider avoiding or delaying a transplant:
  1. You have a low-risk MDS subtype.
  2. You want to avoid the high risks that transplants can entail.
  3. No suitable donor can be found.
  4. You're old and in poor health, which decreases your chances of success.
  5. There are are other treatment choices worth trying first, e.g., drug treatments.
  6. You're being treated, e.g., with drugs, to try to improve your health before undertaking a transplant.
  7. You prefer another treatment choice.
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