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Old Fri Jan 9, 2015, 02:23 AM
Chirley Chirley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Logan City Australia
Posts: 1,100
Oh gosh, I know where you're coming from. I live a very quiet existence. My home is quiet, my life is quiet, I thrive in a quiet environment and then you are thrust into a shared room with a roommate who is either a non stop talker or has non stop visitors or their phone rings loudly ALL the time or even worse a combination of all of the previous things.

Have you had the roommate yet who buzzes for the nurses every two minutes wanting something really ridiculous? Have you been told their complete life history including who their first boyfriend was and how old they were? Have you been given an in depth soliloquy on their bowel habits? I had one room mate tell me that I should take myself off all convententional medicine and follow her natural holistic program for health and well being.....she was in hospital with morbid obesity, diabetes and kidney she was a shining light of good health!

My iPad with my music library and my earphones have saved my sanity on many occasions. This time my roommate had terminal lung cancer and was a very lovely lady but when she was moved out I was also moved to a private room with a great view and I spent the second week in hospital in blissful solitude, except for the nurses station which was right outside the door and became very noisy at staff change over times.

Came home this afternoon.....all my fur babies are just fine.
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